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Love Is Blind Season 6: Viewers Share Thoughts on Matthew on Social Media

"Love Is Blind" Season 6 just premiered, but viewers are already talking about contestant Matthew and his controversial dating approach.

The sixth season of "Love Is Blind" just premiered on Feb. 14, and fans are already buzzing about one of the contestants, Matthew. Within hours of the new season dropping on Netflix, social media platforms were flooded with reactions to the 37-year-old senior financial advisor.

In the first episode, Matthew left quite an impression when he had a date with Jess and revealed that he had prepared 15 potential questions to ask her. However, when she asked him the same question, he expressed surprise and said he wasn't anticipating receiving the same question. This interaction sparked strong reactions from viewers, with some expressing confusion about Matthew's approach to the experiment.

Matthew's interactions with the women on the show led to mixed feelings among viewers. Some found his behavior off-putting, while others were willing to reserve judgment to see how things would unfold. In a confessional interview, Matthew admitted that he struggles with conversations about emotions, which left some users questioning why he would participate in a show centered around discussing feelings.

Despite the mixed reactions, Matthew showed a softer side during a date with Amber Desiree ("AD"). He expressed a desire to "get better" and acknowledged that first interactions were not his strength. However, his interactions with AD and another contestant, Amber, led to some controversy and memes on social media.

Ultimately, AD confronted Matthew about his behavior, and he decided to leave the show. His decision sparked strong reactions from viewers, with some feeling that he had let them down. AD expressed disappointment in Matthew's actions and questioned his motivations for participating in the show.

The controversy surrounding Matthew's behavior on "Love Is Blind" has generated significant discussion among viewers, with many expressing disappointment and confusion about his intentions. The season's premiere has left fans eagerly anticipating how the rest of the season will unfold.

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