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Brock Purdy regrets not targeting Brandon Aiyuk in 49ers Super Bowl loss

Patrick Mahomes leads the Kansas City Chiefs to a Super Bowl win, while Brock Purdy is hailed as the 49ers' future star.

Brock Purdy's performance in the Super Bowl may have ended in a loss, but his teammates and coaches are still confident in his abilities as the quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers. Despite the disappointment of the defeat, Purdy has been a source of comfort and support for his teammates in the aftermath of the game.

One player who received a direct apology from Purdy was wide receiver Brandon Aiyuk, who had a relatively quiet game in the Super Bowl. Purdy expressed regret for not targeting Aiyuk more during the game and acknowledged that there were missed opportunities that he needs to learn from.

Aiyuk, who is set to play on a fifth-year option of his rookie contract, is a top priority for the 49ers this offseason. General manager John Lynch has expressed the team's desire to keep Aiyuk and praised his passion and competitive spirit on the field.

Despite the disappointment of the Super Bowl loss, both Purdy and Aiyuk are focused on the future and the opportunity to come back and finish what they started. Aiyuk emphasized the team's commitment to working towards being champions every single day, and expressed his hope to remain a 49er and achieve that goal.

The aftermath of the Super Bowl loss has been a mix of emotions for the 49ers, but the team remains united in their determination to come back stronger and achieve their ultimate goal of winning a championship. The support and camaraderie among the players and coaches is evident, and the determination to succeed is unwavering.

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