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Admitted Sucker Meghan Markle Valentine's Day Spending Holiday Prince Harry

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are going to have another Valentine's Day to remember as they celebrate in Canada.

This year, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are set to celebrate Valentine's Day in Canada for the Invictus Games Vancouver Whistler 2025's One Year to Go celebrations. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will be joining members of the participating nations' Winter Training Camp, giving them a chance to experience winter adaptive sports ahead of next year's event. This visit is particularly special as Vancouver and Whistler are close to the couple following their move to Montecito, California, and Vancouver holds sentimental value as they spent their first holiday season as a family of three on Vancouver Island.

Before her marriage to Prince Harry, Meghan Markle expressed her love for Valentine's Day on her now-defunct lifestyle blog The Tig. She emphasized the importance of self-love, stating that one should be their own Valentine. Meghan shared anecdotes about her Suits co-stars reminding her to be good to herself and treat herself with the same kindness she shows others. She also mentioned her plans for Valentine's Day, highlighting that she would be celebrating with friends and treating herself to a special gift.

In 2021, Meghan and Harry celebrated Valentine's Day with the exciting news of Meghan's pregnancy. They shared a black-and-white photo revealing Meghan's baby bump, and it was later confirmed that they were expecting their second child. In an interview with Oprah Winfrey, the couple disclosed that they were expecting a baby girl, and Princess Lilibet was born in June of that year. This Valentine's Day will undoubtedly hold a special place in their hearts as they continue to celebrate their growing family and their commitment to each other.

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