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Elderly man confirmed first death from Alaskapox virus

Elderly man in Alaska dies from Alaskapox, a newly discovered virus. Symptoms include skin lesions, swollen lymph nodes, and muscle pain.

An elderly man from the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska has tragically become the first person to pass away after contracting the newly discovered Alaskapox virus. This double-stranded DNA virus is believed to primarily circulate between mammals, with occasional transmission to humans. The symptoms of Alaskapox include skin lesions, swollen lymph nodes, and muscle pain.

The victim, who had a history of a drug-induced weakened immune system, was receiving treatment for the illness in the hospital when he succumbed to the virus in late January, according to the Alaskan health department. This is a concerning development, as there have only been seven confirmed cases of Alaskapox infections so far. The first case was identified in an adult in 2015, who suffered from a rash and swollen lymph nodes. However, all previous patients from the Fairbanks region experienced only mild infections and did not require treatment.

The source of the man's exposure to the virus remains unclear, but he had reported caring for a stray cat at his home, which may have scratched him and caused the transmission. The Alaskan health department has emphasized the need for increased awareness among medical staff about the Alaskapox virus, given its seemingly widespread transmission in small mammals. They have recommended that anyone with suspected Alaskapox should avoid touching lesions, keep them dry and covered, and regularly wash their hands.

This tragic incident serves as a reminder of the importance of vigilance and awareness when it comes to new viral diseases. It also highlights the need for individuals to take precautions to protect themselves from potential exposure. As we continue to learn more about Alaskapox, it is crucial for medical professionals and the general public to stay informed and take the necessary steps to prevent the spread of this virus.

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