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AT&T Stadium Super Bowl hosting, Cowboys trip

Jerry Jones built AT&T Stadium 13 years ago, but the Super Bowl has yet to return. Is it the Cowboys' turn?

The discussion around the Dallas Cowboys and their chances of making it to the Super Bowl is a complex one. With the recent success of the Chiefs and the question of whether the big game will ever return to Dallas, there are a lot of factors to consider. The construction of AT&T Stadium in Arlington was expected to bring the Super Bowl back to town, but it has been 13 years since the last one was held there. Is the problem the weather, the power grid, or something else?

The emergence of Las Vegas as a major Super Bowl host has raised questions about whether the Cowboys will make it to the big game before Arlington gets another chance to host it. The entertainment options in Las Vegas are unparalleled, and the city's new enclosed football stadium has made it a prime location for the Super Bowl. So, which will happen first - the Cowboys making it to the Super Bowl or Arlington hosting another one?

Despite doubts about the team's coach, quarterback, and mental toughness in the playoffs, there are some compelling reasons to bet on the Cowboys. They have consistently made the playoffs in recent years, and the next three Super Bowls are already promised to other cities. However, the nature of Atlanta's stadium and hotel locations gives it an advantage over Arlington, and the 49ers are a strong contender for future Super Bowls.

The NFC is getting deeper and tougher at the top, with young teams like Detroit and Green Bay showing real Super Bowl aspirations. The Cowboys and Eagles, on the other hand, feel more like aging rivals, gearing up for a showdown. The NFC is clearly chasing the 49ers, who are hosting a Super Bowl in two years with a great chance of making it there with a young, rookie-deal quarterback.

The Cowboys, with their high salary cap figures for key players, face many obstacles in their pursuit of a Super Bowl. So, the smart money may be on another Super Bowl finding its way back to town before the Cowboys rediscover their path to the playoffs.

Overall, the discussion around the Cowboys and the Super Bowl is a complex one, with many factors to consider. The team's recent success and consistent playoff appearances are encouraging, but the landscape of the NFC and the emergence of new Super Bowl hosts make the future uncertain. The question of whether the Cowboys will make it to the Super Bowl before Arlington gets another chance to host it remains to be seen.

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