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Wisconsin Republican Rep. Mike Gallagher won't run for reelection

GOP's Gallagher won't run for a fifth term after refusing to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, angering fellow Republicans.

U.S. Rep. Mike Gallagher, a leading Republican congressman who has been at the forefront of the House's efforts to counter the Chinese government, has announced that he will not seek re-election for a fifth term. His decision comes in the wake of controversy after he refused to support the impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, angering his fellow Republicans.

The GOP had been aiming to remove Mayorkas as a way to hold the Biden administration accountable for its management of the U.S.-Mexico border. A recent House impeachment vote narrowly failed, with Gallagher and two other Republicans opposing the move. Despite efforts from his fellow Republicans to change his mind, Gallagher remained steadfast in his decision.

The issue of record numbers of migrants arriving at the southern border has become a potent line of attack for former President Donald Trump as he seeks to challenge President Biden in the upcoming elections. Many of these migrants seek asylum and end up in U.S. cities that are not equipped to support them while they await court proceedings.

In an op-ed published in the Wall Street Journal after the impeachment vote, Gallagher argued that impeachment would not address the issue of migrants crossing the border and could set a dangerous precedent for future Republican administrations. However, the failure of the impeachment vote was a significant setback for the GOP, leading to discussions among Wisconsin Republicans about whether Gallagher should face a primary challenger.

In his announcement of retirement, Gallagher did not mention the impeachment vote, stating only that he does not want to spend his life in Washington. He emphasized the importance of citizens serving in Congress for a season and then returning to private life, noting that electoral politics was never intended to be a career.

Despite the backlash over the impeachment vote, Gallagher maintained that it did not influence his decision. He expressed confidence that people could accept differing viewpoints and that the news cycle is so short that controversies do not last.

Gallagher, a former Marine from Green Bay, has represented northeastern Wisconsin in Congress since 2017. He has been a vocal advocate for countering China and led a new House committee dedicated to this cause. Tensions between the U.S. and China have been high, with both countries imposing tariffs during Trump's presidency. China's response to COVID-19, its aggression toward Taiwan, and the discovery of a possible spy balloon have further fueled lawmakers' determination to counter the Chinese government.

Gallagher was previously considering a run for the U.S. Senate against incumbent Wisconsin Democrat Tammy Baldwin but decided against it in order to focus on his work countering China through the House committee.

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