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Reba McEntire Siblings: Susie, Pake and Alice - All You Need to Know

Reba McEntire and her siblings, Susie, Pake, and Alice, share a close bond and have achieved success in music and life.

Emily Weaver has been a contributing writer at PEOPLE since 2022. Her work has also been featured in POPSUGAR, Real Simple, Better Homes & Gardens, HelloGiggles, and Scary Mommy.

Reba McEntire has a deep love for her siblings: sisters Alice Foran and Susie McEntire-Eaton and brother Pake McEntire. They all grew up on their family's sprawling 8,000-acre ranch in Chockie, Oklahoma, where they were involved in tending to the land and animals from a young age.

Their parents, Clark Vincent and Jacqueline Smith McEntire, instilled in their children a passion for music, and all three daughters and son took up singing in high school. Reba's career in country music took off in the early to mid-'80s, and her siblings, Susie and Pake, lent their background vocals to her music. Pake also launched his own music career, while Susie carved out a space for herself in Christian music.

Meanwhile, Alice worked as a social worker before serving as the county director of the Department of Human Services in Atoka, Oklahoma. She is described by Reba as "the rock, the one you can call at three in the morning, and she'll always be ready to help in any way."

The McEntire siblings quickly became known as "the singing McEntires" in high school, thanks to their mom, who taught them how to sing and harmonize. The family band became a local hit at rodeos and nearby clubs.

Before launching their own music careers, Susie and Pake often sang backup for Reba. Susie found her true calling in Christian music in 1984 and has since released over a dozen albums and earned several accolades for her work. Pake, on the other hand, made a name for himself in the rodeo world and had a brief solo music career.

Reba and her siblings have relied on their faith to navigate through different moments in their lives, including the passing of their parents. They were first introduced to Christianity by their maternal grandmother, and the sentiment of always being grateful has resonated with them throughout their adult lives.

The McEntire siblings have all settled down in Oklahoma, where they continue to maintain a close bond and support each other through life's ups and downs. Their unique childhood experiences and shared passion for music and faith have created a special and unbreakable bond among the siblings.

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