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Paul Giamatti, 2024 Oscars nominee for The Holdovers

Paul Giamatti stars in "The Holdovers," a "Scrooge-like Christmas story." He's been nominated for best actor at the Oscars.

Paul Giamatti is known for his portrayal of difficult characters, and his latest role in the movie "The Holdovers" is no exception. Giamatti plays Paul Hunham, a bitter teacher at a New England boarding school who forms a bond with a rebellious student and the school's grieving cook. The movie has been described as a "Scrooge-like Christmas story," with Giamatti's character embodying the spirit of Scrooge himself.

At 56 years old, Giamatti's performance has earned him nominations for best actor at the Oscars, Critics Choice, and Golden Globe awards. Despite his success, Giamatti remains humble, taking his Golden Globe award to a burger place before attending parties and "fancy things."

Giamatti's role in "The Holdovers" was written specifically for him, drawing from his own experiences attending a prep school in Connecticut. His parents, both educators, instilled a love of learning in him, and he began his acting career after college, starting with small roles in plays and movies.

Throughout his career, Giamatti has been known for playing complex and curmudgeonly characters, such as Miles Raymond in "Sideways." Outside of acting, he records a podcast called "Chinwag" and enjoys playing the theremin in his free time. He also has a fascination with strange and weird topics, which is why he started the podcast.

Reflecting on his career, Giamatti recalls one of his favorite roles as playing an orangutan, which allowed him to completely transform and lose himself in the character. He acknowledges the strange nature of acting and the satisfaction of being able to "hide" behind different roles.

Overall, Giamatti embraces his unique career and enjoys being weird, finding joy in the unconventional nature of his work as an actor.

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