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Micah Parsons defends Myles Garrett after Browns star wins DPOY over TJ Watt

Parsons calls Watt "sore loser" after DPOY win, praises Garrett. Titans game proves Garrett's dominance. Cowboys star defends Garrett's DPOY worthiness.

During an interview with Zach Gelb of CBS Sports Radio, Micah Parsons suggested that TJ Watt is "a sore loser" after the announcement of the DPOY award. The Cowboys star firmly believes that Myles Garrett brings a unique quality to the table that no other player in the league possesses. To support his claim, he pointed to the Cleveland Browns-Tennessee Titans game as evidence.

Parsons stated, "I'm not a sore loser. I thought it should have gone to Myles if not me, and I said that publicly, and it's as simple as that. Myles, look at the Titans game alone. No offense, but TJ played the Titans. Did you see two tight ends following TJ Watt? Like they're following him all across the line [like they did with Garrett]? People can say whatever they want, but the film does not lie. His presence is way more dominant than TJ Watt, and that's just the reality of it."

The Cowboys star's argument is compelling. In the Titans game, two tight ends were observed lining up wherever Myles Garrett was positioned on the line of scrimmage. There was even a moment where Garrett switched sides multiple times before the ball was hiked, and the tight ends followed the star pass rusher each time. This scenario is reminiscent of when teams used to line up two cornerbacks on Calvin Johnson during his prime with the Detroit Lions.

Myles Garrett is truly exceptional on the gridiron. He is undoubtedly deserving of the DPOY award, and it's admirable to see Micah Parsons passionately defend him in this manner. Parsons himself has the potential to win the award one day, as he has been a standout player since his debut. If he were to win, it would be wonderful to see Garrett return the favor and defend him as well. This camaraderie and mutual respect among players is a testament to the bonds formed in the NFL.

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