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Mark Ruffalo addresses challenges of being married to an actor in exclusive interview - Yahoo Sports

Mark Ruffalo's Walk of Fame star ceremony was emotional for him and his family. His wife and kids got a shoutout.

Mark Ruffalo recently received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and during the ceremony, he expressed how challenging it is to be married to an actor and to raise children in the same environment. He mentioned that it's not easy being away from home a lot due to his acting commitments. Despite the difficulties, he described the experience of having his family present at the ceremony as "the most glorious thing," emphasizing that the honor is as much theirs as it is his.

Ruffalo highlighted the importance of having something tangible to represent his years of hard work as an actor, particularly for his children. He expressed hope that the star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame would serve as a lasting symbol for his family, one that they can visit with future generations. He reflected on the continuity and tradition associated with the Hollywood Boulevard, acknowledging its incredible meaning and the legacy it represents.

During his acceptance speech, Ruffalo thanked his family for their unwavering support throughout his career, acknowledging the challenges they've faced as a result of his acting commitments. He also candidly admitted that balancing his professional and personal life has been intense, particularly when his wife is also away. He praised his wife for being a hero in shouldering responsibilities when he was unavailable.

This is not the first time Ruffalo has openly discussed the difficulties of being an actor and a parent. In a previous interview, he mentioned the challenges of managing household responsibilities when his wife is away, emphasizing that it can be overwhelming at times. Despite the difficulties, he expressed gratitude for his family's support and understanding.

Overall, Mark Ruffalo's experience as an actor and a family man highlights the complexities and sacrifices associated with pursuing a career in the entertainment industry. His candid reflections provide insight into the challenges and rewards of balancing professional and personal responsibilities, emphasizing the importance of unwavering family support.

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