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Kanye West and Ty Dolla not dropping Vulture album despite announcement sparks meme fest online

Kanye West and Ty Dolla $ign's much delayed debut album sparks viral meme fest as it fails to release yet again.

Kanye West and Ty Dolla $ign have faced numerous delays in the release of their debut album, Vultures. Originally set to release on February 9, 2024, the album failed to materialize, disappointing fans who were eagerly anticipating its debut. The duo had planned a countdown event at the United Center in Chicago, Illinois to coincide with the album's release, but the long-awaited release never came.

This latest delay has ignited a firestorm on social media, with fans expressing their frustration and disappointment through a flood of memes and tweets. The album's troubled history dates back to December 15, 2023, when it was initially scheduled for release. However, a sample clearance issue with Nicki Minaj's "New Body" pushed the release date to January 12, 2024. Even then, it was revealed that the album was still being recorded, leading to further delays.

The album's cover art has also sparked controversy, as it features an interposition of Caspar David Friedrich's "Landscape with Graves" painting over a black border. This has drawn comparisons to the black metal project Burzum, known for its neo-Nazi associations, and has raised concerns about the album's potential links to Nazism due to Friedrich's personal favoritism by Adolf Hitler.

Kanye West has only added to the controversy by wearing a Klu Klux Klan hood at a listening party in Miami for Vultures, Volume One, further fueling the album's already contentious reputation. Despite the setbacks and controversies, fans remain hopeful for the eventual release of Vultures, eagerly anticipating the debut album from Kanye West and Ty Dolla $ign.

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