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Emma Watson jokes about her Audi A3 being towed while watching Shakespeare play as blocked-in pizza boss calls out tow truck for her parking

Emma Watson's joke about her car being towed by police while she was at the theatre has gone viral.

Emma Watson, best known for her role in the Harry Potter series, recently found herself in a bit of a predicament when her car was towed by the police while she was at the theatre. However, she managed to make light of the situation with a humorous tweet. In the tweet, she joked about still searching for parking in Stratford upon Avon and commented on the quality of the play she was watching. This lighthearted response suggests that Watson was trying to make the best of an unfortunate situation.

According to reports, Watson's car was impounded after it was parked in a no-parking zone, causing inconvenience to other vehicles. The incident occurred while she was watching a performance of The Merchant of Venice at the Swan Theatre. Witnesses described how she came out of a nearby pub and pleaded with the police not to take her car away. Despite her efforts, her car was eventually towed, and she was faced with a fine and a retention charge to retrieve it.

The incident led to a bit of drama, with the frustrated manager of a nearby pizza restaurant expressing his frustration at being unable to locate the driver of the offending vehicle. Watson's oversight ultimately caused inconvenience to others and resulted in her car being impounded. However, she managed to see the humor in the situation and made a joke about it on Twitter.

While the incident may have been a bit embarrassing for Watson, her ability to find humor in the situation and make light of her misfortune was appreciated by her fans. The actress's lighthearted response to the incident serves as a reminder that even in challenging situations, it's possible to maintain a sense of humor and find something to laugh about.

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