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Kelly Rizzo Breckin Meyer dating Bob Saget death two years

Bob Saget's widow Kelly Rizzo is dating actor Michael Meyer, approved by his daughters, and attended a Grammys party for charity.

It's been two years since the untimely passing of beloved comedian and actor Bob Saget in Orlando, Florida. His widow, Kelly Rizzo, has recently revealed that she is now in a relationship with another actor.

Rizzo and her new partner attended a 2024 Grammys viewing party to support Janie's Fund, a charity founded by Steven Tyler to provide hope and healing to girls who have experienced abuse and neglect. The charity's name comes from the Aerosmith song "Janie's Got a Gun."

Saget, 65, tragically passed away on January 9, 2022, after a performance at a concert hall in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, as part of his "I Don't Do Negative" comedy tour. He was found deceased in his hotel room at the Ritz-Carlton Orlando, with the cause of death listed as accidental head trauma.

Rizzo expressed that it took time to reach a point where she felt comfortable dating again, stating, "It took a while to get to the point where I'm like, 'OK, I think he'd be happy with it.'" She also received the approval of Saget's daughters, Aubrey, 36; Lara, 34; and Jennifer, 31, whom he shared with his ex-wife Sherri Kramer.

Despite Saget's passing, Rizzo emphasized that he continues to influence her life every day. She expressed, "Just, I mean, every day -- it's not even every year -- it's just every day, he's just still such a big part of my life. And I love being close to his girls and his daughters. And just honoring him with just little things that I do all day every day. He's never going anywhere."

On the anniversary of Saget's passing, Rizzo took to Instagram to reflect, writing, "2 years. Wow. Simultaneously feels like a week and an eternity."

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