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Kendrick Perkins suggests Sixers should shut down Joel Embiid after "Big Ass Better Suit Up" comment

Former Warriors GM Bob Myers reacts to Kendrick Perkins' comments about injured athletes, highlighting the absurdity of sports media and organizational decisions.

Former Warriors GM Bob Myers had a strong reaction to Kendrick Perkins' comments about injured athletes being sat out for the rest of the season. This reaction highlights the skepticism that teams have towards sports media personalities making organizational decisions.

Perkins, who had previously told Joel Embiid to suit up for a game in Denver, later made comments about injured athletes that contradicted his previous statement. This situation perfectly encapsulates the unpredictability of sports media today, with individuals making 180-degree pivots in their opinions without a clear understanding of what is happening behind the scenes.

The narrative surrounding Joel Embiid's absence from games in Denver since 2019 has been overblown. The timeline of his injuries and missed games reveals that there were various factors contributing to his absence, including COVID protocols, knee injuries, and team management decisions.

In March 2023, Embiid missed a game in Denver due to a sore calf after playing back-to-back games with minimal rest. This decision was criticized, as it fell on the team and coach for not managing his playing time effectively. Additionally, in January 2024, Embiid suffered a knee injury during a game against the Pacers, which was controversial due to the timing of the injury report and his subsequent absence from multiple games.

Overall, the situation with Perkins' comments and the scrutiny of Embiid's absence from games in Denver highlights the complexities and challenges of managing injured athletes in professional sports. It also underscores the importance of understanding the full context and circumstances before making judgments or comments about these situations.

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