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Google Stock: Thursday's News Update

Google's parent company's stock rises after resolving a $1.67 billion patent lawsuit. It partners with Hugging Face to expand AI tools.

Alphabet Inc, the parent company of Google, saw a rise in its stock on Thursday after resolving a patent lawsuit involving AI technology. The lawsuit, brought by Singular Computing, accused Google of misusing its computer-processing solutions and resulted in a settlement of $1.67 billion.

In addition to this legal victory, Google has also announced a partnership with Hugging Face, a startup specializing in AI software. This collaboration will allow Hugging Face to host its platform on Google's cloud computing network, expanding developers' access to the startup's AI tools.

The partnership with Hugging Face is expected to accelerate innovation by enabling more developers to create AI applications using the resources of both Hugging Face and Google Cloud. This move strengthens Google's relationship with the open-source AI community and positions the company as a leader in developing cost-effective AI models.

Hugging Face, a New York-based company founded in 2016, has gained popularity for sharing open-source AI models. Through its partnership with Google, developers using Hugging Face will benefit from the technological resources of Google Cloud, enhancing the capabilities of both Hugging Face users and Google Cloud customers.

Google's involvement in Hugging Face's recent funding round, valued at $4.5 billion, further solidifies its collaborative efforts in the AI field. The company has also integrated its Bard artificial intelligence chatbot with popular products such as Gmail, YouTube, and Google Docs, demonstrating its commitment to AI innovation.

The tech industry as a whole remains aggressively invested in AI ambitions, with companies like Amazon, Microsoft, and Google all vying for a piece of the AI-driven opportunities projected to reach $1 trillion. Analysts see this as a significant area of growth for companies investing in AI technology.

As of the last check on Thursday, GOOG shares were trading higher by 1.66% at $152.85. This news was partially produced with the help of AI tools and reviewed and published by Benzinga editors.

In conclusion, Alphabet Inc's legal victory and partnership with Hugging Face demonstrate the company's commitment to advancing AI technology and its position as a leader in the industry. The collaboration with Hugging Face is expected to drive innovation and expand access to AI tools for developers, while Google's ongoing investment in AI startups further solidifies its position in the AI field.

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