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Draymond Green dubbed perfect fit for Bad Boys Pistons by 4x NBA champion from Dennis Rodman era

NBA star Draymond Green's physical style would have fit in with the 1980s Detroit Pistons, according to former player John Salley.

Draymond Green, the enforcer for the Golden State Warriors, is known for his physical style of play and has often been involved in altercations with other players. Many fans believe that Green's aggressive style would have been better suited to the NBA of the 1980s or 1990s, when the game was more physical. Former Detroit Pistons forward-center John Salley, who played during the Pistons' "Bad Boys" era, shares this sentiment and believes that Green would have fit right in with his former team.

Salley recalls the fights and outright violence that occurred during his time with the Pistons and believes that Green's mentality would have been a perfect fit for the team. In a recent interview, Salley expressed his belief that Green would have fit in with the Pistons, but also acknowledged that there would have been many more fights over playing time with players like Mark Aguirre and Dennis Rodman.

Salley also sees Green as the heart of the Warriors and believes that he is responsible for the team's physicality. Green's aggressive play has led to several incidents this season, including a suspension for putting Rudy Gobert in a chokehold and accidentally hitting Jusuf Nurkic in the head. He has become known as the on-court bully for the Warriors, a reputation that former NBA player Rasheed Wallace believes was influenced by the aggressive style of play of the 2004 Pistons.

Wallace, who played for the Pistons, claims that Green was exposed to the team's aggressive style of play while growing up in Michigan and that this exposure influenced his own aggressive play. According to Wallace, Green was around the Pistons' locker room, practices, and games, and heard the "different language" used by the players behind the scenes. While Green has not addressed Wallace's comments, there may be some truth to the influence of the Pistons' aggressive style on his own play.

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