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Alyssa Milano Baseball Team GoFundMe Backlash: Actress Breaks Silence

Alyssa Milano responds to backlash over her GoFundMe request for son's baseball team, receives support from fans and haters.

Alyssa Milano has spoken out following the criticism she faced for asking for public support to fund her son's baseball team's trip to Cooperstown. The 'Charmed' actress came under fire after sharing a link to her GoFundMe page, with many users calling her a "tone-deaf multimillionaire celebrity" and "privileged."

Milano defended herself, stating that she has paid for uniforms for the entire team and coaches, thrown birthday parties, and sponsored kids who can't afford monthly dues. She also pointed out that the kids themselves do fundraising activities like car washes and movie nights.

Despite her explanation, Milano continued to receive criticism, with many calling her "tone-deaf" and "disrespectful." However, she also received support from fans who commended her for being a great mom and providing opportunities for the kids.

The GoFundMe page, which is still active, emphasizes the importance of baseball in the players' lives and the need to raise funds to compete. The campaign has received nearly 270 donations totaling $8,140.

In summary, Alyssa Milano's request for public support for her son's baseball team has sparked both controversy and support, with the actress defending her actions and receiving backing from fans and supporters.

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