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Ex-Trump adviser Peter Navarro prison contempt Congress convictions

Former Trump adviser Peter Navarro sentenced to 4 months in prison for ignoring subpoenas from House panel investigating Jan. 6 attack.

Former Trump adviser Peter Navarro has been sentenced to four months in prison for defying subpoenas from the House select panel investigating the January 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol. The decision was made by Judge Amit P. Mehta of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia during a hearing on Thursday. Mehta made it clear to Navarro that he was responsible for the circumstances that led to his sentence, emphasizing that he was not a victim of political prosecution.

Throughout the proceedings, Navarro had argued that he was required to invoke executive privilege on behalf of former President Donald Trump, which led to his refusal to comply with the committee's subpoena. However, Mehta stated that while he believed Navarro acted in good faith, this was not a legal defense. He emphasized that the words "executive privilege" do not serve as a free pass to avoid consequences.

Mehta also left open the possibility of Navarro serving the sentence while awaiting the likely appeal of his conviction based on the arguments related to executive privilege. In addition to the prison sentence, Navarro was also fined $9,500 and assessed a $50 special assessment.

The jury had previously convicted Navarro in September on two counts of contempt of Congress charges for his refusal to provide documents or testimony to the panel. During the sentencing, prosecutors pushed for a six-month prison sentence and the maximum fine, citing Navarro's failure to show any remorse for ignoring a valid subpoena.

In summary, Peter Navarro's sentencing serves as a reminder of the consequences of defying congressional subpoenas. Despite Navarro's claims of acting in good faith, the court made it clear that invoking executive privilege does not absolve individuals from their legal obligations. The decision highlights the importance of upholding the rule of law and respecting the authority of congressional investigations.

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