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Democratic presidential candidate Marianne Williamson visit Las Vegas this week

Democratic presidential candidate Marianne Williamson visits Las Vegas for three-day campaign ahead of Feb. 6 primary, targeting younger voters.

Marianne Williamson, a Democratic presidential candidate and author, is set to make a three-day visit to Las Vegas ahead of the Feb. 6 presidential primary. During her visit, Williamson will be hosting a series of public and private campaign events from Thursday to Saturday, where she will meet with supporters, community leaders, and students.

Despite being considered a long-shot candidate, Williamson has been gaining support and traction from younger voters, as she continues to battle incumbent President Joe Biden, who recently won the New Hampshire primary.

Her schedule includes events at Reynolds Brothers Co. at 10 a.m. on Thursday, a press conference at the Martin Luther King Jr. statue on 1344 W. Carey Ave. at 6 p.m. on Thursday, a town hall event at The Circus Center at 10 a.m. on Friday, and an early voting canvass launch at her campaign office at 3601 W. Sahara Ave. at 10 a.m. on Saturday.

Williamson has been focusing her campaign on promoting universal health care, tuition-free college, canceling student loan debt, and guaranteeing paid family leave. Her campaign statement emphasizes the need to harness the political voices of millions of people in the country to bring about change and disrupt the corruption that has led to a dangerous place for both people and the planet.

For more information on Williamson's upcoming events, visit

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