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Aryna Sabalenka and Coco Gauff set up U.S. Open final rematch

Mailbag day features the Australian Open and questions about players, matches, and the future of tennis. Fans are in for a treat!

Wednesday is Mailbag Day, and it's time to think about the upcoming Australian Open semifinal between Coco Gauff and Aryna Sabalenka. Both players have had an incredible tournament, and both are aiming to leave with the trophy. Gauff is looking to win her second major in a row and has been working on her serve with Andy Roddick. Sabalenka, on the other hand, has been dominating in Melbourne and has yet to lose more than three games in a set.

If we had to pick a winner, we'd probably stick with Gauff. She has the superior head-to-head record and has shown more consistency throughout the tournament. Sabalenka, on the other hand, is known for her flagrant power and has made a remarkable return to form after struggling with serving yips.

Moving on to other questions, one reader raised concerns about the delays caused by fans reaching their seats during matches. Another reader asked about the impact of on-court coaching on inter-era comparisons. On-court coaching is just another reason why comparing players from different eras is silly. It's a reflection of the technology and rules of the time, and there's nothing to hold against the current generation for using it.

Another reader asked about the most "old school" players in regards to celebrations. While some players are more understated in their celebrations, it's ultimately up to the individual player to decide how they want to celebrate their victories.

Towels in the game were also a topic of discussion, with one reader questioning the practice of players retrieving their own towels during matches. The reader suggested that ball kids should hand the towels to players during matches to speed things up. It's an interesting point, and it's worth considering how this practice could be improved.

The article also touched on the 2021 US Women's Open final and the remarkable achievement of Emma Raducanu, who went from the qualifier draw to the trophy. While Raducanu deserves full credit for her win, the article also highlighted the importance of being skeptical of certitude, as anything can happen in tennis.

The article also addressed the "wokest tournament ever" and the recent losses of former Grand Slam champions in the first round. The Australian Open has shown attentiveness to societal issues, but there are still areas that need to be addressed. As for the former champions, the reasons for their losses range from age to injury to regression.

Finally, the article concluded with a question about calling matches. The author expressed no desire to call matches, citing time and bandwidth issues, as well as a lack of confidence in their abilities to do so.

In conclusion, the article covered a wide range of topics related to tennis, from upcoming matches to tournament practices to the impact of societal issues. It provided thoughtful and engaging responses to reader questions, offering insights and perspectives on various aspects of the sport.

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