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Oscars Revenge for Anatomy of a Fall After French Snub

France's "Anatomy of a Fall" gets revenge after being snubbed by the country's selection committee, earns 5 Oscar nominations.

France's "Anatomy of a Fall" secured its revenge with multiple Oscar nominations, including for best picture, after being snubbed by the country's selection committee. The courtroom drama, centered around a woman accused of murdering her husband, was initially overlooked in favor of "The Taste of Things" as France's choice for best international film at the Oscars. However, "The Taste of Things" failed to make the final short-list when the Oscar nominations were announced on Tuesday.

"Anatomy of a Fall" received recognition in five categories, including best picture, screenplay, editing, best actress for Sandra Hueller, and best director for Justine Triet. The film's success comes after Triet made outspoken comments against President Emmanuel Macron's government when her film won the top prize at Cannes last year. Triet criticized the government's pension reforms and the "commercialization of culture" supported by the neoliberal administration.

The decision to snub "Anatomy of a Fall" in favor of "The Taste of Things" was met with controversy, with some viewing it as an act of revenge against Triet's criticism of the government. However, others believed that "The Taste of Things" offered an idealized portrayal of France that would appeal to Oscar voters.

Despite the initial setback, "Anatomy of a Fall" has been gaining recognition and acclaim, winning awards for best screenplay and best non-English language film at the Golden Globes. President Macron, who had previously stayed silent on the film's success, congratulated Triet and expressed his pride in seeing French cinema recognized at the Golden Globes.

The controversy surrounding the film industry has extended to President Macron's defense of actor Gerard Depardieu, who has faced allegations of sexual assault. Macron's public support for Depardieu has sparked further debate and criticism within the film community.

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