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Oscar nominees 2024: Past Lives spotlights first love and yearning for glory

The film "Past Lives" by Celine Song is a must-see, heart-wrenching movie that leaves viewers with a tranquil mind.

Past Lives, a film written and directed by Korean Canadian Celine Song, has garnered attention for its nomination at the 2024 Academy Awards for Best Picture and Best Original Screenplay. The movie explores the theme of inyeon, which refers to the ties between people over the course of their lives. As Korean studies professor Sarah Son explains, inyeon is rooted in Korean Buddhism and represents the direct and indirect causes that shape outcomes.

The film follows the story of Na Young/Nora and her childhood friend Hae Sung, whose lives intertwine between the past and the present. Unlike other films depicting Korean immigrants in the U.S., Past Lives portrays a middle-class family in South Korea who immigrates to Canada to pursue their ambitions, rather than for survival.

The use of digital technologies and social media in the film reflects the modern-day communication and connections that exist among diaspora communities. Na Young and Hae Sung's online relationship is portrayed with a sense of longing and the limitations of online connections, highlighting the complexities of modern-day immigrant experiences.

As the story unfolds, the film introduces another fateful development between Nora and Arthur, leading to a poignant exploration of lost love and childhood crushes. The film's conclusion leaves viewers with a tranquil understanding of the sadness of endings, alongside the beautiful possibility of multiple loves.

Overall, Past Lives is a must-see, heart-wrenching movie that offers a nuanced portrayal of immigrant experiences and the complexities of fate and destiny.

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