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Joe Cullen calls Shaun Murphy liar over epic 147, nine-darter and hole-in-one claim

"Darts star Joe Cullen rubbishes Shaun Murphy's claim of achieving a 147, a nine-dart finish, and a hole in one."

Darts sensation Joe Cullen has dismissed Shaun Murphy's extravagant assertion that he is the sole individual to have achieved a 147, a nine-dart finish, and a hole in one.

The 2005 World Snooker Championship winner's bold statement went viral on social media last week, leaving fans divided over whether to believe the 41-year-old.

Among those who doubted Murphy was 2022 Masters champion Cullen, who made his stance on the snooker legend's proclamation crystal clear on X (formerly known as Twitter).

The 34-year-old shared the video of Murphy recounting how he accomplished all three athletic feats and accompanied it with 'crying laughter' and 'Pinocchio nose' emojis, as he wrote: "One word - Liar!".

'The Magician' initially detailed that he achieved a nine-dart finish after receiving a set of darts from Phi Taylor, widely considered as the greatest player in the sport's history.

"I got my nine-darter in the Carter's Arms in Sale in Manchester, and I made the hole in one at Royal Workington near Newmarket on a cold, frosty morning," he claimed. "Well, I mean, I think I'm in a club of one at the moment." Murphy conceded that while he can play darts, a finish of that nature was something out of this world.

"Phil Taylor, who I met a few times, sent me a set of his darts that he'd used in a few events to me, with his best wishes. I took them to the pub. It was a Friday night, we were in the pub, in the snug, and we were setting our bets up for the weekend, you know, and we were having a great night.

"And we got on the dartboard - like I can play darts, I can play - but I just happened to throw nine perfect darts!" The snooker star etched his name in history, according to himself, and stated he doesn't think it'll happen again. "It never happened again. It didn't happen before and it will never happen again. But it happened."

He certainly had his detractors with one X user writing: "Bull***...that's what the smell is" while another commented: "I've never seen him even hold a dart and the way he tells his story, I'm convinced it's bull****".

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