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Ron DeSantis Republicans Trump wrong

Ron DeSantis was once a promising Republican presidential candidate, but his failed campaign shows how personality matters in politics.

A year ago, Ron DeSantis was seen as a potential Republican president, with many comparing him to Donald Trump without the "chaos." He was known for winning America's culture wars without the drama that had plagued Trump's presidency. His success in Florida led many to believe that he could replicate it nationally and win the White House.

However, his plan was flawed. He underestimated the continued support for Trump within the Republican Party. Despite his efforts in Iowa, he failed to gain the support needed to continue his campaign. His polling numbers in other states were also declining, and his backers had run out of money.

This early withdrawal from the race offers several lessons, including the importance of staffing and financial management. Most importantly, it serves as a reminder of how much personality matters in presidential races. DeSantis's declining polls show that the more voters see of him, the less they seem to like him. This is a crucial factor to consider in future elections.

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