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Amateur golfer punches ticket to Augusta, not Nick Dunlap

Nick Dunlap and Santiago de la Fuente both made waves in the golf world this weekend, with de la Fuente winning big.

Nick Dunlap wasn't the only amateur golfer making headlines this past weekend. While Dunlap was making waves in the American Express tournament in La Quinta, another amateur golfer, Santiago de la Fuente of Mexico, was grabbing the spotlight at the Latin American Amateur Championship in Panama City.

De la Fuente's impressive performance saw him firing a final round 6-under 64 to win the championship with an 8-under total, two shots clear of his countryman Omar Morales. This victory secured de la Fuente a spot in three of this year's four majors, including the Masters, the U.S. Open, and the Open Championship, along with exemptions into the U.S. Amateur and Amateur championships.

The 22-year-old golfer expressed his excitement about his upcoming schedule, jokingly remarking, "Not a bad summer, right?" De la Fuente faced a tough battle on the final day, starting three shots behind Morales, but managed to narrow the gap early on and ultimately finished strong with birdies on the final two holes to secure the win.

Reflecting on his victory, de la Fuente acknowledged the challenging competition and the hard work he had put in to prepare for the tournament. He also shared his emotional reaction to his win, expressing that it was one of the best moments of his life and a testament to his dedication and perseverance.

De la Fuente's impressive performance and emotional victory at the Latin American Amateur Championship showcased his talent, determination, and resilience as a young amateur golfer. His journey to success serves as an inspiring example of the dedication and hard work required to achieve one's goals in the world of competitive golf.

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