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Richard Simmons Pauly Shore biopic being made without permission

Pauly Shore is preparing a movie about Richard Simmons, but Simmons says he never gave permission for the film.

Hollywood was shocked to learn that comedian Pauly Shore was working on a biopic about the eccentric fitness personality Richard Simmons. This unexpected choice of subject raised eyebrows, especially since Simmons had withdrawn from public life a decade ago without much explanation. His disappearance was so mysterious that it even sparked a podcast dedicated to uncovering the truth.

Simmons' sudden retreat from the public eye made it unlikely that he would give his approval for a movie about his life. However, after news of Shore's biopic broke, Simmons made a rare statement on his Facebook page, stating that he had never given permission for the movie and that he was trying to live a quiet and peaceful life.

The idea of Richard Simmons and a quiet life seemed contradictory, but the production company behind the biopic insisted that they respected Simmons' desire for privacy and intended to honor and celebrate him in the film. Despite Simmons' rejection of the movie, Shore can be seen portraying him in a new short film called "The Court Jester," which is set to premiere at the Sundance Film Festival.

The situation raises questions about the ethics of making a biopic without the subject's consent and the portrayal of public figures in the media. It also highlights the challenges of balancing artistic freedom with respect for an individual's privacy. This controversy surrounding the Richard Simmons biopic serves as a reminder of the complexities of navigating the intersection of entertainment and personal lives.

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