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E. Jean Carroll Trump attacks harm N.Y. jury testimonial

Federal judge threatens to throw Trump out of court after he defied an order to keep quiet. Trump became combative.

A federal judge in New York threatened to remove Donald Trump from court proceedings after he defied an order to remain silent during writer E. Jean Carroll's testimony at his defamation trial. U.S. District Court Judge Lewis A. Kaplan addressed Trump after Carroll's lawyers reported that he was loudly denigrating Carroll, resulting in a combative exchange between Trump and the judge. Trump was warned twice to show trial decorum, and Kaplan indicated that Trump's behavior could result in his exclusion from the trial if he continued to be disruptive.

Carroll testified that Trump's attacks on her credibility since 2019, after she accused him of sexual assault, have harmed her professionally and put her in fear for her safety. In a separate civil case last year, a jury found that Trump sexually abused and defamed Carroll, resulting in a $5 million damages award. The current trial is focused on whether Trump owes Carroll additional damages for separate comments he made about her.

Carroll said that Trump's disparaging comments have damaged her reputation, causing her to receive harassing and threatening messages from Trump supporters. Trump, in response, has denied the encounter and criticized Carroll as a liar seeking fame and money.

Kaplan has repeatedly scolded Trump's lawyer for issues involving courtroom decorum, including inappropriate requests to postpone the trial. Trump is expected to testify, and he did not give testimony at the first trial involving Carroll. He is also appealing that verdict.

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