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Noah Schnapp Israel-Hamas conflict controversy sparks backlash | News Room Odisha

'Stranger Things' star Noah Schnapp addresses social media backlash over viral "zionism is sexy" video, advocating for peace and understanding.

Noah Schnapp, known for his role in "Stranger Things," recently addressed the social media backlash he faced over a controversial video. In a TikTok video, Schnapp expressed that his views on the Israel-Hamas conflict have been misconstrued and clarified that he only wishes for peace, safety, and security for all innocent people affected by the conflict.

As a Jewish individual, Schnapp emphasized that he has engaged in meaningful conversations with friends from Palestinian backgrounds, highlighting the importance of such discussions. He conveyed his desire for the safe return of innocent people held hostage in Gaza and expressed hope for an end to the loss of innocent life in Palestine, particularly among women and children. Schnapp made it clear that he stands against the killing of any innocent people and urged others to do the same.

Turning off comments on the video did not prevent further criticism from internet users. The actor had previously faced backlash for a video showing him laughing along with friends holding stickers that read "Zionism is Sexy" and "Hamas is ISIS." However, Schnapp's recent video aimed to convey his hope for understanding, compassion, and unity among all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, background, or sexuality.

The 19-year-old actor's heartfelt message reflects his commitment to promoting peace and unity in the midst of a complex and contentious conflict. While the video has sparked conversations and varying opinions, Schnapp's emphasis on humanity, love, and support for one another serves as a reminder of the importance of empathy and solidarity in the face of adversity.

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