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Buccaneers Wide Receiver Mike Evans Wife Ashli Dotson Bio, Family and Background

Mike Evans, Tampa Bay Buccaneers wide receiver, and his wife Alshi Dotson share their love story, family life, and charitable work.

Wide receiver Mike Evans was chosen by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in the first round of the 2014 NFL Draft. He holds numerous receiving records for the franchise and has been selected to multiple Pro Bowls, as well as winning a Super Bowl.

Known for his skills on the field, fans are equally interested in Evans' life off the field, including his wife, Alshi Dotson, and their family.

The couple met at a mutual friend's party in 2013 while both were still in college. They quickly realized they shared many interests and got engaged after 10 months of dating. In 2016, they had their dream wedding in front of friends and family.

Dotson was born in Texas and studied psychology in college before starting her lifestyle blog. After Evans was drafted by the Buccaneers, the couple moved to Florida, but they still consider Texas home.

In 2017, they founded the Mike Evans Family Foundation, focusing on empowering youth, encouraging education, and taking a stand against domestic violence. This cause is close to Evans' heart due to his mother's experience with domestic violence.

The couple now has three children together, in addition to Evans' daughter from a previous relationship, whom Dotson refers to as her "bonus daughter." Their foundation also hosts free football camps and awards scholarships to those in need.

The couple is passionate about making a difference in as many lives as possible and continues to work toward their mission.

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