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Ohio State basketball, road loss, Michigan, what we learned

Ohio State falls to Michigan, 73-65, 3rd straight Big Ten loss. Buckeyes struggling to score, defend, and close out games.

Ohio State's struggles continued in their third consecutive Big Ten game, resulting in a 73-65 loss to Michigan. The Buckeyes have been unable to match the intensity of their opponents, leading to a disappointing 2-4 record in the Big Ten and an overall season record of 12-5. This places them precariously close to the bottom of the conference standings.

The latest loss to Michigan shed light on some recurring issues for Ohio State. Despite their efforts to adjust their game plan, including giving more minutes to freshmen players and experimenting with different defensive strategies, the Buckeyes still struggled to score and defend effectively. Additionally, key players such as Gayle Jr. have been facing challenges with confidence and performance, contributing to the team's overall struggles.

The Buckeyes' shooting woes have been a major factor in their recent losses, with the team's field goal and three-point percentages falling well below acceptable levels. Despite remaining competitive in games, Ohio State has struggled to close out opponents, often faltering in the final minutes due to poor shot selection and a lack of teamwork on the offensive end.

Coach Holtmann's attempts to shake things up and change the team's approach have not yielded the desired results, leaving Ohio State in a frustrating position as they continue to grapple with their conference losing streak. The lack of ball movement and reliance on individual play has hindered the team's ability to execute effectively on offense, contributing to their recent struggles.

Overall, Ohio State's performance has mirrored the pattern seen in previous seasons, with a promising start giving way to a disappointing losing streak. Despite efforts to make adjustments and try new strategies, the Buckeyes have been unable to break free from their current slump in conference play. As they continue to search for solutions, Ohio State faces the challenge of regaining their confidence and finding a more effective approach to turn their season around.

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