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Nikki Haley's potential gain from Chris Christie's exit at a crucial moment

Chris Christie's exit from the 2024 presidential race is a game changer, boosting Nikki Haley's chances in Iowa and New Hampshire.

Chris Christie's announcement that he was dropping out of the Republican presidential primary this week was a game-changer in the 2024 race. His departure was a gift to former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, who is trying to position herself as the main alternative to Donald Trump. Christie's exit came just five days before the Iowa caucuses, giving Haley a boost as she tries to convince voters that she is the best candidate to take on Trump.

Christie's decision not to compete in Iowa was a significant move that could help Haley as she campaigns in the state. It also adds to her argument that she is the best candidate to challenge Trump, given her strong polling in New Hampshire and her background in South Carolina.

This development is bad news for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is hoping for a strong second-place showing in the caucuses. He has put all his resources into Iowa and has not gained much traction in New Hampshire or South Carolina.

Christie's exit also serves as a reality check for Never-Trumpers in the 2024 presidential primary. Despite being a strong Trump opponent, Christie was unable to gain traction in New Hampshire, where Trump has consistently led in polls.

Christie's departure could boost Haley in New Hampshire, as seen in recent polls. One survey showed Haley gaining on Trump, trailing him by just 7 percentage points. Christie, who was in the Never-Trump lane, held at 12% in that same poll, potentially bridging the gap between Haley and Trump in the Granite State.

The impact of Christie's exit on the race is significant. New Hampshire state Rep. Bill Boyd called it a "game changer," predicting that it would make the race a toss-up between Trump and Haley.

The Trump campaign has long anticipated the possibility of Christie dropping out before New Hampshire. They believe that Christie brings no GOP votes and that his endorsement would not be helpful to Haley, Trump's biggest rival in the state.

While Christie's exit could help Haley, there is also the question of whether his supporters will move to her. A poll showed that nearly half of Christie's supporters in New Hampshire considered Haley their second choice, compared to just 7% who chose Trump.

Christie's exit from the race was expected, as he had been urged to drop out to allow a consolidation behind Haley. However, there is no imminent danger of Christie backing Haley, as he has made critical comments about her in recent public forums.

Overall, Christie's decision to drop out of the race is a significant development in the 2024 Republican presidential primary. It has the potential to reshape the race, boost Haley's chances, and make the contest a closer battle between her and Trump.

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