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Apple explains Apple Vision Pro App Store submissions process

Apple's new support page guides developers on preparing and submitting apps for the upcoming Apple Vision Pro, set for release on February 2.

Apple has released a new support page specifically aimed at developers, providing detailed instructions on how to prepare and submit apps for inclusion in the Apple Vision Pro App Store. This comes in anticipation of the upcoming release of the Apple Vision Pro, which is set to be available to customers on February 2.

The support page, titled "Submit your apps to the App Store for the Apple Vision Pro," offers a comprehensive guide for developers on the steps they need to take in order to make their apps available for download and use on the mixed reality headset.

One key point emphasized on the page is that apps originally designed for iPhone and iPad can be easily adapted to run on the Apple Vision Pro with minimal adjustments. The section on preparing apps highlights the compatibility of iPad and iPhone apps, stating that compatible apps will automatically be published to the App Store for Apple Vision Pro. It also provides information on using Xcode 15.2 to create new apps specifically for visionOS, as well as testing apps and compatibility checklists.

The support page also delves into the importance of creating a compelling product page for the App Store, offering guidance on what developers should include in their app listings. This includes advice on taking screenshots and app previews, accurately conveying the user's surroundings, and creating a suitable app icon. The section also covers details on describing the app, providing app motion information, privacy labels, and game controller information.

Finally, the guide outlines the process for submitting the app via App Store Connect for review and approval before it can be published in the store. This support page serves as a valuable resource for developers looking to ensure their apps are ready for the launch of the Apple Vision Pro.

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