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Caitlin Clark triple-double No. 3 Iowa women's basketball Rutgers

Iowa women's basketball dominated Rutgers, with Caitlin Clark's triple-double leading the way. The team also honored the Perry High School shooting victims.

The Iowa women's basketball team played a game that was expected to be memorable, and it certainly was. They faced Rutgers in a packed arena in New Jersey and came out with a resounding 103-69 win. The game started off with a modest lead for Iowa, but they quickly surged ahead and dominated the rest of the game.

Caitlin Clark, the team's star player, once again put up an impressive stat line with 29 points, 10 rebounds, and 10 assists. She played a crucial role in Iowa's success, but she wasn't the only one. Gabbie Marshall, Hannah Stuelke, Sydney Affolter, and Kate Martin all contributed to the team's victory with double-digit scoring figures.

Iowa's defense was also a key factor in their win, as they held Rutgers to just five three-pointers despite their high average of 16 attempts per game. The team's performance was a true team effort, and coach Lisa Bluder expressed her pride in their collective achievement.

The game also held special significance for the Iowa team, as they honored those affected by the recent shooting at Perry High School. The entire staff and several players wore blue ribbons to show their support for the community.

Overall, it was a strong and emotional win for the Iowa women's basketball team, and they now look ahead to their next game against Purdue. Their performance was a testament to their skill and teamwork, and they continue to be a force to be reckoned with in the Big Ten Conference.

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