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Shia LaBeouf converts Catholicism confirmed New Year's Eve Mass

Actor Shia LaBeouf converts to Catholicism and is confirmed at a Mass, expressing deep commitment to his faith journey.

Actor Shia LaBeouf has embraced Catholicism and was confirmed on New Year's Eve at a Mass led by Capuchin Franciscan friars. The Capuchin Franciscans-Western American Province shared the news on their Facebook page, posting images of LaBeouf receiving Communion, praying at Mass, and embracing the friars who attended the ceremony.

The sacramental ceremony took place at Old Mission Santa Inés Parish in Solvang, California, the same friary where LaBeouf trained for his role as one of Italy's most well-known and revered saints in the upcoming film, "Padre Pio."

The Catholic religious order expressed their joy in welcoming LaBeouf and witnessing his deep commitment to his faith journey. They praised his decision to fully enter the Church as a testament to his sincere desire to grow in his relationship with God and live out the Gospel values.

LaBeouf, known for his talent and passion in the entertainment industry, has embarked on a profound spiritual journey that has led him to embrace the teachings of the Catholic Church.

The actor, who first gained fame as a teenager on the Disney Channel show "Even Stevens," has had several notable roles in films such as "Transformers" and "Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull." Despite his success, he has faced legal troubles and struggles with alcoholism.

His decision to convert to Catholicism comes after spending time in the California friary preparing for his role in "Padre Pio," a film about the mystic Capuchin monk who displayed the "stigmata" wounds of Christ.

LaBeouf's confirmation sponsor, Capuchin friar Brother Alexander Rodriguez, revealed that the actor aspires to become a deacon in the future and began contemplating the diaconate during the filming of the movie about the Franciscan friar.

Padre Pio, who died in 1968 and was canonized in 2002, is one of the most popular saints in Italy, the U.S., and beyond. The Capuchin Friars Minor, the religious order that welcomed LaBeouf, is dedicated to serving the poor and living out the Gospel through fraternity, simplicity, and contemplative prayer.

The AP's religion coverage is supported by The Conversation US, with funding from Lilly Endowment Inc. The AP is solely responsible for this content.

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