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Lytle Creek Earthquake High Desert jolt magnitude 3.0 near Cajon Pass

"4.2 magnitude earthquake jolts Southern California, including the High Desert. No damage reported. Felt from Antelope Valley to Coachella Valley."

A 4.2 magnitude earthquake, known as the "Lytle Creek Earthquake," shook Southern California, including the High Desert, at 10:55 a.m. on Friday. According to the United States Geological Survey, the earthquake was centered in the Cajon Pass and along two fault lines, where the San Andreas and San Jacinto faults converge. Dr. Lucy Jones, a seismologist, noted that a similar earthquake occurred in 1970 in close to the same location.

Despite the earthquake being felt from the Antelope Valley to San Diego County and as far east as the Coachella Valley, the San Bernardino County Fire Department and other agencies reported no damage or calls for service related to the earthquake. However, several High Desert residents reported feeling a strong, brief jolt. Sandy Hearn, a Victorville resident, described feeling like someone had kicked her bed hard and hearing the walls rattle for about two seconds.

This earthquake follows a magnitude 4.1 earthquake that shook parts of Southern California on New Year's Day, centered about 10 miles southwest of San Pedro in the Pacific Ocean. Residents in Los Angeles, Orange, and Ventura counties felt the effects of this earthquake as well.

As this story develops, more information will become available and will be updated accordingly. For more information, contact Daily Press reporter Rene Ray De La Cruz at 760-951-6227 or [email protected], and follow him on Twitter @DP_ReneDeLaCruz.

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