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Key quotes US President Biden Jan. 6 democracy speech

"Biden slams Trump and Republicans in fiery speech commemorating Jan. 6 attacks, says 2024 election is about democracy's future."

President Joe Biden delivered a powerful and scathing speech on the third anniversary of the deadly Jan. 6, 2021, attacks on the U.S. Capitol by Trump loyalists. He did not hold back in his criticism of his likely 2024 election opponent, Donald Trump, and the Republicans who continue to support him.

Biden emphasized the urgency of the question of whether democracy is still America's sacred cause. He made it clear that the upcoming 2024 election will revolve around this critical issue. He condemned Trump's campaign, stating that it is centered on Trump himself, rather than the well-being of the country. He accused Trump of being obsessed with the past and willing to sacrifice democracy to gain power.

The President also addressed the events of Jan. 6, describing it as a historical moment when insurrectionists attempted to halt the peaceful transfer of power in the United States. He highlighted the violence and chaos that ensued, with over 140 police officers injured and several losing their lives as a result of the events of that day. Biden attributed these tragic outcomes to Trump's lies and the mob he incited to descend upon Washington.

Biden was clear in his condemnation of the violence, asserting that the actions of Trump's supporters were not those of patriots, but rather insurrectionists. He emphasized that physical violence has no place in the political system of the United States and unequivocally stated that it is never acceptable. The President made it clear that one cannot simultaneously support insurrection and claim to be a patriot.

In his speech, Biden demonstrated a deep concern for the state of democracy in America and the impact of the events of Jan. 6. He did not shy away from addressing the divisive and tumultuous political climate, emphasizing the need to uphold the principles of democracy and reject violence as a means of achieving political goals.

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