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Wyoming Football News Notes Arizona Bowl

Who will call the offensive plays in the Arizona Bowl? Wyoming's head coach prepares for his final game before retirement.

TUCSON, Ariz., -- With former coordinator Tim Polasek now the head coach at North Dakota State, the question on everyone's minds is who will be calling the offensive plays for the Arizona Bowl. Wyoming head coach Craig Bohl jokingly referred to it as a national secret, adding a light-hearted and jovial atmosphere to the day in the desert.

As the team prepared for their final practice, players wore brown-and-gold checkered sweatpants and Bohl even sported a black bathrobe, symbolizing the end of an era. Despite the lightheartedness, Bohl has been focused on keeping the team's attention on the field, drawing inspiration from his mentor Tom Osborne's approach to coaching.

Defensive coordinator Jay Sawvel has been named the new head coach at UW football, and Bohl has been focused on maintaining a sense of normalcy as he prepares for his final game as head coach. Players have noticed a change in Bohl's demeanor, with senior middle linebacker Easton Gibbs noting that the coach has lightened the mood and is excited to go out with a win.

As the team prepares to face Toledo in the Arizona Bowl, Bohl has been taking in the special elements of the game, appreciating the sounds and atmosphere of the field. The game is expected to draw a large crowd, with roughly 28,000 tickets already sold. Bohl's retirement announcement has contributed to a spike in ticket sales, and more are expected as Arizona fans return from the Alamo Bowl.

In addition to preparing for the game, Bohl has also reflected on the legacy he has built during his decade in Laramie. He has not yet begun to think about the foundation he has built, but he anticipates taking time to reflect once the season is over.

As the team gears up to face Toledo, Bohl and his players are focused on the challenge ahead. Toledo's running back Peny Boone, the MAC Offensive Player of the Year, announced his entry into the NCAA Transfer Portal, adding a layer of uncertainty to the matchup. The game will be televised on The CW and streamed online, offering fans the opportunity to watch the action live.

With a history of postseason games in Tucson, the Cowboys are prepared for the challenge ahead. Bohl and his team are focused on finishing the season strong and achieving a victory in the Arizona Bowl.

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