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NBA fans stunned as Anthony Edwards shows LeBron James-esque recovery after nasty ankle roll

Anthony Edwards rolls ankle, leaves game, returns within minutes. Fans amazed by quick recovery, Timberwolves need star player's offense.

Minnesota Timberwolves player Anthony Edwards had a frightening moment during the team's home game against the LA Lakers. In the second quarter, Edwards rolled his left ankle while driving to the basket with Anthony Davis challenging him. Despite making the layup, he immediately clutched his leg in pain and was unable to put weight on it, hopping on one foot. Edwards had to commit a foul on Anthony Davis to exit the game and rushed to the locker room. However, to everyone's surprise, he returned to the game within a minute, showing a remarkable recovery.

NBA fans were astounded by his quick return, comparing it to how LeBron James would shrug off injuries. Even the Lakers' Twitter handles expressed surprise at Edwards' speedy recovery. Despite hobbling a bit, Edwards resumed playing and contributed 15 points in the first half, helping the Timberwolves overturn a deficit and take a four-point lead into halftime. His aggressive play and ability to drive and attack the paint were crucial for the team, especially with other players struggling offensively against the Lakers' defensive lineup. The Timberwolves were relieved to have him back on the court, as their offense looked shaky without him. Overall, Edwards' resilience and determination were evident, making a significant impact on the game and the team's season.

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