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Craig Breslow's Comments on Vaughn Grissom and Red Sox Bullpen After Chris Sale Trade

Red Sox trade Chris Sale to Braves for Vaughn Grissom. Breslow says more moves are coming, focusing on starting pitching.

The Boston Red Sox made a significant trade over the weekend, with chief baseball officer Craig Breslow orchestrating a deal that sent Chris Sale and cash considerations to the Atlanta Braves in exchange for infielder Vaughn Grissom.

Sale, a key starter for the Red Sox, has struggled with injuries during his time with the team. In contrast, Grissom brings a promising future as a young second baseman with six years of team control.

Breslow explained that trading Sale was a difficult decision but ultimately believed it was in the best interest of the Red Sox. Sale was willing to waive his no-trade clause, understanding that the move would benefit both the team's long-term prospects and his own chances of winning another World Series with a National League contender.

The Red Sox are not done making moves, with Breslow indicating that more trades are on the horizon. He emphasized the team's need for improved starting pitching and hinted at the possibility of dealing young prospects to address this need. While pitching remains a priority, Breslow also stressed the importance of seeking improvements for the team in both the short and long term.

Grissom's versatility and strong right-handed bat make him an attractive addition to the Red Sox. Breslow sees him as a dynamic athlete who can play multiple positions and believes he will make a significant impact as an everyday second baseman. The team is optimistic about Grissom's potential and envisions him as a valuable asset alongside other key players in the infield.

Breslow's proactive approach in the Red Sox front office has already led to significant changes, and his comments during the Zoom call suggest that more transformative moves are on the horizon.

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