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Bears QB Justin Fields missed call crushed late 2 Falcons

Justin Fields takes late hit from Atlanta Falcons, a familiar sight for Bears fans. Fields makes closing argument to return in 2024.

Justin Fields, the Chicago Bears quarterback, has been on the receiving end of late hits from opposing players, particularly the Atlanta Falcons, and it's become a frustratingly common sight for Bears fans. Every week, it seems like Fields is taking off and running, only to be hit late by defenders without any penalty flags being thrown. It's a concerning pattern that has many fans and analysts questioning the competence of officiating crews.

The lack of protection for Fields has become a hot topic among Bears fans, with many expressing their frustration and concern for the safety of their young quarterback. It's not just about complaining about officiating, but rather a genuine concern for the well-being of Fields and the need for officials to do their job in enforcing player safety rules.

As Fields potentially plays his final home game as a Bear, he has shown promising potential for the future of the team. With the #1 pick in the 2024 NFL Draft secured, the Bears have a decision to make regarding the quarterback position. They could use the pick to select a new QB1, or they could continue to invest in Fields and build around him with a promising roster and ample cap space.

The situation raises questions about the future direction of the Bears and the potential for Fields to lead the team to success in the coming years. It's a crucial decision for the organization, and one that will have a significant impact on the team's trajectory in the years to come.

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