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Anthony Hopkins discusses alcoholism and shares heartwarming New Year wishes

Anthony Hopkins shares New Year's message with fans on Instagram, celebrating 48 years of sobriety and 86th birthday. Encourages others to seek help.

In a heartwarming video posted on Instagram, Anthony Hopkins shared a sweet New Year message with his fans and online friends. The timing of the post was no coincidence, as the actor celebrated 48 years of sobriety on the same day and will soon be celebrating his 86th birthday on December 31.

In the video, Hopkins cheerfully wished everyone a Happy New Year, acknowledging those who were out partying and having a good time. He then shared a personal anecdote about his own journey to sobriety, encouraging those struggling with addiction to seek help.

This isn't the first time Hopkins has openly discussed his battle with alcoholism. In a video shared last year, he spoke about being a recovering alcoholic and empathized with others who may be facing similar struggles.

Reflecting on the pivotal moment when he decided to turn his life around, Hopkins recalled waking up in a hotel room in Arizona and realizing that he needed to make a change before things spiraled out of control. He credits Alcoholics Anonymous with saving him and helping him overcome his fears.

Hopkins' candid and heartfelt message serves as a reminder that seeking help and realizing that you are not alone can lead to transformative change. His story is a powerful testament to the strength and resilience of the human spirit.

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