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Detroit Lions vs. Dallas Cowboys predictions: NFC race advantage for North champs

Lions vs. Cowboys game predictions: Free Press sports writers weigh in on the outcome, with differing opinions on the winner.

The Detroit Lions are facing the Dallas Cowboys in a game that holds high stakes for both teams. The Lions are coming off an emotional win over the Vikings, clinching their first division title in 30 years. This victory could lead to a potential letdown for the Lions, especially in a game that holds significance for playoff seeding. The Cowboys, on the other hand, are on a 15-game winning streak at home and have a strong defense. The Lions will need to control the game with their rushing attack to stand a chance against the Cowboys' dangerous passing game.

Dave Birkett predicts a victory for the Cowboys, citing their strong defense and home winning streak. However, he acknowledges the Lions' confidence and Dan Campbell's ability to prepare his team for prime-time games.

Jeff Seidel is confident in the Lions' ability to overcome any potential letdown after their emotional win in Minnesota. He predicts a victory for the Lions, emphasizing the leadership of Dan Campbell and the team's offensive line.

Shawn Windsor acknowledges the psychological factors at play, with the Cowboys coming off two consecutive losses and the Lions clinching their division title. However, he ultimately predicts a close loss for the Lions due to the Cowboys' strength at home.

Overall, the consensus is that the Cowboys have the advantage in this matchup, given their strong defense and home winning streak. However, the Lions' confidence and leadership under Dan Campbell could potentially lead to a close and competitive game.

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