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Naughty And Nice Holiday Deviled Eggs Recipe

Holiday deviled eggs are the perfect combination of naughty and nice, with a spicy bite and decorative wreaths made from dill fronds.

The holiday deviled eggs recipe by Michelle McGlinn is both naughty and nice. The sriracha in the filling adds just the right amount of heat to the eggs, with plenty of sweetness to temper the mild burn. The use of Kewpie mayonnaise also enhances the flavor without overpowering the sriracha. Sour cream or yogurt can be used as lower-fat substitutes for mayonnaise.

The recipe calls for hard-boiled eggs, Kewpie mayonnaise, salt, pepper, and sriracha for the filling. The decorative wreaths surrounding the eggs are made from fresh dill fronds and Peruvian pearl peppers. The filling is piped into the halved eggs, and dill fronds are wrapped around the yolk filling to form a wreath. Two pearl pepper halves are added to the bottom of each wreath before serving.

Peruvian pearl peppers are small and mostly sweet, making them an ideal choice for this recipe. If they are difficult to find, small cherry tomatoes can be used as an alternative. The deviled eggs can be prepped ahead of time, with the eggs boiled up to a week in advance and the filling prepared up to three days ahead. Once assembled, the deviled eggs do not make great leftovers, but the recipe can be easily adjusted to make a smaller batch.

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