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15 dead in mass shooting at Prague university, police chief confirms

Armed man kills 15 in mass shooting at Charles University in Prague. Police searching for explosives. Chaos and terror ensue.

An armed individual unleashed a deadly attack in a university building in downtown Prague, resulting in the tragic deaths of at least 15 people and causing widespread panic. The shooting occurred in the philosophy department building of Charles University, where the assailant was reportedly a student. The Prague Police Chief, Martin Vondrasek, confirmed that the shooter has not been publicly identified.

Details about the victims and the motive behind the shooting are currently unknown, and Czech Interior Minister Vit Rakusan has stated that there is no suspicion of a connection to extremist ideologies or groups. Eyewitness accounts, such as that of Pavel Nedoma, the director of the nearby Rudolfinum Gallery, described seeing the shooter on a balcony of the building, firing a gun.

Authorities are conducting a thorough search of the area, including the balcony, for potential explosives, and the building has been evacuated. Prague Mayor Bohuslav Svoboda confirmed this, emphasizing the need for caution and safety measures.

The building is situated near the Vltava River in Jan Palach Square, offering a view of Prague Castle, the historic seat of the Czech presidency. President Petr Pavel expressed shock at the tragic events and extended his condolences to the families of the victims.

The scene of the shooting, typically a bustling area for tourists, students, and others, was transformed into one of chaos and terror. Police vehicles and ambulances rushed to the scene with their sirens blaring, and the square was sealed off by law enforcement officers.

Videos from the scene captured the evacuation of individuals from the building and others seeking shelter. The incident has left the city of Prague in a state of shock and mourning, as authorities work to unravel the details and provide support to those affected by this devastating act of violence.

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