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Nikki Haley campaign ad targets President Biden's age | KRCR

Haley calls for term limits and mental competency tests for Congress. Biden's age becomes a target for his opponents and voters.

Nikki Haley opened a 30-second ad by stating that Biden is too old and that Congress is "the most exclusive nursing home in America." She used the ad to reiterate her calls for term limits and mental competency tests, without explicitly naming Biden. Dr. Casey Burgat from George Washington University pointed out that this issue would affect not only Biden but also Trump and other older senators and House members. Polls have shown that voters are concerned about Biden's age, despite the fact that he is only four years older than Trump. Biden has been described as energetic for his age, but some of his aides believe that he does not realize how old he can come across. His wife, Jill Biden, has urged him to get more rest and mind his health. When asked to respond to voters' concerns about his age, Biden has said "Watch me" and should have a more open conversation with the public about his age, framing it as an asset. The accumulation of public frustration about the age of politicians in Washington may end up affecting Biden the most, as he would be the oldest to hold office if elected. With Trump leading his primary opponents by double digits, voters are poised to face a choice between two men who would either be the oldest or second-oldest to hold the office.

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