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Philadelphia Eagles QB Jalen Hurts challenges team commitment after third consecutive defeat

Jalen Hurts called out the Philadelphia Eagles' lack of commitment after a third consecutive loss, sparking questions about the team's character.

Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Jalen Hurts had a tough time getting the team's offense going during their recent game against the Seattle Seahawks. Despite the 20-17 loss, Hurts' post-game comments may have a positive impact on the team.

Hurts, who was dealing with flu-like symptoms before the game, called out the team's "commitment" following their third consecutive loss, which dropped them to the No. 5 seed in the NFC. This is a serious accusation in the sports world, as it typically implies selfishness or a lack of manhood.

Hurts was careful with his words, but the message was clear. He took responsibility for the team's struggles and emphasized the need for better execution and commitment. The Eagles' season has been marked by locker-room drama and finger-pointing, leading to significant changes in the coaching staff.

Just three weeks ago, the Eagles were riding high as the No. 1 team in the NFL, with a 10-1 record and four straight comeback wins. Hurts was considered a top contender for the NFL MVP award. However, the team has now lost three consecutive games, and the offense has struggled despite having top playmakers and a strong offensive line.

The defense has also been a problem, giving up 42 and 33 points in back-to-back losses. The Eagles made moves to improve their defense, but have yet to see results. Despite their struggles, they have an opportunity to turn things around in their upcoming games against the New York Giants and Arizona.

The Eagles have prided themselves on their winning culture, but their true character will be tested in times of adversity. If they truly have a winning culture, they will accept the challenge and work to improve.

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