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MTG criticizes Lindsey Graham for lack of "smoking gun" in Biden impeachment

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene criticizes Sen. Lindsey Graham for saying there's no "smoking gun" linking President Joe Biden to Hunter Biden's dealings.

During a recent NBC interview, Senator Lindsey Graham admitted that the House Oversight Committee has yet to produce a "smoking gun" linking President Joe Biden to his son Hunter Biden's allegedly corrupt foreign business dealings. This comes after Hunter Biden was charged with nine federal tax crimes in an indictment prosecutors called "a four-year scheme to not pay at least $1.4 million" in federal income taxes for the years 2016 through 2019.

Graham's recent comments are in stark contrast to remarks he made on Fox News over the summer, where he expressed a different attitude towards the Bidens. This shift in stance has not gone unnoticed, particularly by right-wing firebrand Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who called out Graham during a speech at a conference for the conservative youth group Turning Point USA.

Greene criticized Graham's statement on 'Meet the Press,' questioning how he could claim there is not enough evidence to impeach President Biden. She also took a pulse check on the crowd about their support for Biden's impeachment, which received enthusiastic cheers. Greene's remarks reflect a growing sentiment among some conservatives that the Biden administration should face consequences for alleged wrongdoing.

The exchange between Greene and Graham highlights the internal divisions within the Republican Party, particularly when it comes to addressing the actions of the Biden administration. It also underscores the ongoing debate over the role of Congress in holding the executive branch accountable. As the political landscape continues to evolve, it remains to be seen how these tensions will shape the future of American politics.

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