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Hunter Biden hot seat ducking and facts

Hunter Biden skipped a congressional subpoena to hold a press conference. He painted himself as a victim and denied his father's involvement.

Hunter Biden exhibited his father's boldness when he disregarded a congressional subpoena and held a press conference on Capitol Hill. He refused to answer any questions and left in his motorcade. His actions mirrored his father's behavior.

Instead of simply pleading the Fifth at the House hearing room, Hunter chose to manipulate the public narrative and portray himself as a victim. He accused "MAGA Republicans" of ridiculing his addiction and recovery, attempting to dehumanize him to embarrass his father.

During his press conference, Hunter denied that his father was financially involved in his business. This statement was a strategic move, carefully crafted to protect his father. This is a significant shift from Joe Biden's previous denials, indicating that the evidence against him has become undeniable.

The day before Hunter's press conference, the transcript of the latest testimony from IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler was published. They provided compelling evidence that implicates Joe Biden in illegal conduct. Their testimony was a master class in facts over delusion, revealing Joe's involvement in Hunter's business dealings with foreign governments and entities.

The evidence presented by Shapley and Ziegler paints a clear picture of Joe Biden's involvement in his son's business. They highlighted Joe's attendance at meetings with Hunter's business partners and his support for Hunter's business. This testimony undermines Hunter's attempts to protect his father and reveals the truth about Joe Biden's involvement.

In conclusion, Hunter's press conference and the testimony of Shapley and Ziegler shed light on the Biden family's questionable business dealings. The evidence presented by the whistleblowers contradicts Hunter's claims and exposes Joe Biden's involvement in his son's business.

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