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Bradley Cooper Christian Bale Spy Package Best Of Enemies Lands At Amazon MGM Studios After Massive Bidding Battle

Amazon and MGM win film pitch for Best Of Enemies, a spy thriller starring Bradley Cooper and Christian Bale. Highly anticipated!

In a major film pitch package deal, Amazon and MGM Studios have secured the rights to Best Of Enemies, a spy thriller adaptation starring Bradley Cooper and Christian Bale. The screenplay will be written by Eric Warren Singer, with Charles Roven of Atlas Entertainment producing. The team previously collaborated on the 2013 Best Picture nominee American Hustle.

While Cooper, known for his recent directing work on Maestro, is a potential director for the film, this has not been confirmed. The bidding war for the project was fierce, with eight bidders vying for the rights. The deal, which is in the high seven figures for the writer and producer, will see the film released theatrically before landing on Amazon.

Based on the book Best of Enemies: The Last Great Spy Story of the Cold War by Eric Dezenhall and Gus Russo, the film will tell the story of CIA agent Jack Platt (Cooper) and KGB agent Gennady Vasilenko (Bale). The unlikely friendship that develops between the two spies during the Cold War, despite their opposing allegiances, forms the heart of the narrative. The pair were involved in some of the most famous spy stories of the 20th century, including the exposure of Soviet mole Robert Hanssen. Vasilenko was imprisoned in the Soviet Union after being discovered as a double agent, but was ultimately freed during the Spy Swap of 2010, with the help of the CIA and support from figures such as Robert De Niro.

The acquisition of this package deal highlights the determination of studios to secure high-profile projects, and underscores the importance of presenting a fully formed package with talent and a compelling storyline. Cooper is represented by Range Media Partners, while Bale, Singer, and Roven are represented by WME.

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