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TikTok star Bunny Hedaya criticizes Matt Rife for starting beef

TikTok star Bunny Hedaya slams comedian Matt Rife for starting "beef" with her 6-year-old son. Rife made inappropriate comments on Instagram.

TikTok sensation Bunny Hedaya took to social media to slam comedian Matt Rife after he engaged in a feud with her 6-year-old son. Rife left a comment on Hedaya's Instagram post, insinuating that the child's Christmas presents were purchased with money earned from his mother's OnlyFans account. Hedaya responded with a TikTok video, expressing her outrage at Rife's behavior and defending herself against his derogatory comments.

The feud began when Rife left a comment on an Instagram video of Hedaya's son, Aiden, playfully poking fun at one of Rife's stand-up jokes about astrology. Rife responded by correcting the child and making disparaging remarks about Santa Claus and Hedaya's source of income. In her response, Hedaya emphasized that she has never made money from men and criticized Rife's lack of respect for women.

Hedaya explained that she and her son created the lighthearted video after her fans continuously tagged her in Rife's stand-up video, knowing that her son is interested in space. She expressed her disappointment in Rife's behavior and emphasized that she typically focuses her content on herself, without engaging in drama for views.

In conclusion, Hedaya wished Rife luck in his career and demanded that he refrain from mentioning her child's name. This incident is not the first time Rife has faced backlash, as he previously made controversial jokes about domestic violence during a comedy special. His attempt at an apology on Instagram was met with criticism, as the link he shared directed fans to purchase special needs helmets.

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